Thank you to all that attended our parents Rising Ravens event.

It was great to be able to share why the PTSA is so important at the High School level. 


Thank you to those that signed up for our newsletter! We will be sending out your welcome back by June 1st.
 If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. We welcome your conversation.

Sincerely, Diane and the PTSA Team.

Questions? email


PTSA Membership Meeting - PTSA Awards, Scholarships and elections. Want to join our team? Come to this meeting! (Date to be confirmed)

Juanita High School Rising Ravens Page - Rising Ravens - Juanita High (





PTSA and the levels of commitment. 

One of the best parts of the PTSA at the High School level is we have a place for everyone. Your involvement should fit your capacity. Here is a breakdown of the different levels needed on a PTSA.

Supporter Level.

You love the PTSA but just don't have the capacity to spend time with us. We get it. At the most basic level, just join the PTSA. There is no commitment, and your membership dues are how we raise funds. This is a join, pay your dues, read the newsletter and if something comes up that you are interested, considering jumping in at the participant level. 

Participant Level.

This is all of the supporter level but coming to our meetings. We hold General Membership meetings every other month at JHS in the commons. This is a good way to meet people and learn more about what your PTSA and administrators have coming up at the school. This is a 1-hour commitment, every other month on a Wednesday evening. This may spark your interest in moving up to the committee level.

Committee Level.

This includes membership, and coming to as many meetings as possible but also allows you to find something that you are passionate about as it pertains to advocating for your student and the JHS community. A committee is usually a project-based role and often is not a yearlong commitment. You will also be working with other PTSA members in a joint effort. Our committee chairs include, Reflections, Membership, Legislative, Scholarships, Ravens pride campus beautification, Sustainability, Communications, DEI, and more. The exciting thing about all PTSA Chair, Committee and Board levels is that you can share the role with a friend.

Chair Level.

At the Chair level, you would take ownership (or co-ownership) of a project. This a specific project and need for an important role for our PTSA. We consider chairs, a year-round effort. Some chair positions have short time frames, and some require a bit more effort. The exciting thing about all PTSA Chair, Committee and Board levels is that you can share the role with a friend. Chairs include Fundraising, Staff Appreciation and Volunteer Coordinator. A Chair role is also a lead on a committee and responsible for its organization and success.

Board Level.

This is the elected role of the PTSA. Even within these roles there are different levels of commitment. The PTSA President is a pretty involved and active responsibility (approx. 5 hours a week). This can be what you make of it. The VP assists the president and presides over meetings when the President cannot. This role is defined by the President and Vice President for a harmonious partnership and can average 2+ hours per week. Treasurer is for balancing our budget, and tracking our income and expenses, approx. 1 hour a week. These commitments are more in depth and require some commitment.

Our Treasurer AP is responsible for paying our bills, approximately 1 hour per month.  Our secretary is responsible for meeting minutes, board and committee reports and maintaining our guidelines for our PTSA requirements. Approximately 1 hour per month and must attend all meetings.